1) They began to _________ and the relationship ended in the summer of 1997. a) drift apart b) hit it off c) get on like a house on fire 2) I don’t actually like being with other people. I __________. a) am head over heels in love. b) enjoy my own company c) don't see eye to eye. 3) The newly-weds ___________. a) are heels over head in love b) take after each other c) are head over heels in love 4) He left home after _________ his parents. a) falling out with b) falling out from c) falling out of 5) I was worried that they wouldn't like each other but in fact they're _________. a) getting on like a house on fire b) drifting apart c) falling out 6) We _________ as we were at college together. a) come back years b) go back years c) go years back 7) Like most married couples we've __________, but life's like that. a) see eye to eye b) head over heels in love c) had our ups and downs 8) He and his partner don’t ________ on their political views. a) see eye on eye b) see eye to eye c) view eye to eye 9) He gets really jealous if his girlfriend ________ with another man. a) takes after b) enjoys her company c) strikes up a friendship 10) My dad's my role model. I always _________ him. a) look up to b) look up c) look up on 11) Just like his dad, Ted's always been difficult. In fact, he ________ in so many ways. a) takes him after b) takes after him c) looks after him 12) My best friend and I _________ and we have lots of great memories. a) don't see eye to eye b) drifted apart c) grew up together

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