1) could not a) he'd b) couldn't c) you're d) she's 2) he would a) couldn't b) she's c) he'd d) we'd 3) I will a) I'll b) couldn't c) we've d) they'll 4) are not a) aren't b) I've c) what's d) we'd 5) that is a) I've b) we're c) couldn't d) that's 6) she is a) you're b) she's c) I'll d) we're 7) we have a) we've b) I've c) we'd d) that's 8) you are a) what's b) I'll c) we're d) you're 9) we would a) we'd b) I'll c) he'd d) they'll 10) I have a) I'll b) I've c) that's d) you're 11) they will a) they'll b) we've c) we'd d) she's 12) what is a) that's b) what's c) we've d) she's 13) we are a) we'd b) we're c) couldn't d) that's 14) let us a) won't b) isn't c) let's d) don't 15) will not a) would'nt b) can't c) won't d) don't

The Contraction Game Show


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