Herbivore - An organism that only eats plants., Predator - An organism that hunts and kills prey, Omnivore - An organism that eats plants and other animals., Biodiversity - Range of species present., Ecosystem - Consists of all the organisms living in a particular habitat and the non-living components with which the organisms interact., Community - All the organisms in the area., Population - The total number of one type of species in an ecosystem, Habitat - A place where an organism lives ., Species - A group of organisms which can interbreed (mate) to produce fertile young, Consumer - An organism that must eat another to gain energy., Producer - A green plant that makes it own food from sunlight., Niche - The role the organism has in the ecosystem in relation to the resources it requires and its interactions with other organisms., Carnivore - An organism that only eats animals.,

2021 Ecological terms


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