1) He asked me _______. a) who my English professor is b) who my English professor was c) who is my English professor 2) She sometimes asks me ________ my job. a) how I like b) how I liked c) how do I like 3) He asked ________ I knew of a good restaurant in this neighborhood. a) whether b) that c) what 4) He asked me if_______. a) you had a watch b) I had a watch c) he had a watch 5) She asked me ______ her boss. a) if I know b) if I knew c) if did I know 6) The sales associate asked me if ____. a) I needed help b) did I need help c) I need help 7) My doctor asked me ________ my medical insurance. a) if I had changed b) if I changed c) if had I changed 8) She asked what _______. a) languages I spoke b) languages I'm speaking c) languages did I speak 9) My mother always asks me if _______. a) I have a boyfriend b) I had a boyfriend c) I had had a boyfriend. 10) She asked whether she could ask me a few questions. a) "Can she ask me a few questions?" b) "Did she ask you a few questions?" c) "Can I ask you a few questions?" 11) He asked me if my mother had ever been there before. a) "Has your mother ever been here before?" b) "Has my mother ever been here before?" c) "Did your mother ever go there before?" 12) They asked if we were enjoying our visit. a) "Did you enjoy our visit?" b) "Are you enjoying your visit?" c) "Were you enjoying your visit?" 13) He asked me who I had come with. a) "Who did you come with?" b) "Who are you coming with?" c) "Who have I come with?" 14) The asked if I had brought my camera. a) "Did I bring my camera?" b) "Did you bring your camera?" c) "Had they brought my camera?" 15) We asked him whether anyone was sitting there. a) "Where was everyone sitting?" b) "Was anyone sitting there?" c) "Is anyone sitting here?" 16) He asked where we would go next year. a) "Where will you go next year?" b) "Will we go next year?" c) "Where would he go next year?" 17) She asked me what sports I played. a) "What sports have you played?" b) "What sports do you play?" c) "What sports did she play?" 18) She asked what my name _____ a) was. b) was? 19) He asked me _______ had work experience. a) if b) do 20) I asked them where _______. a) was their office b) their office was 21) They asked me where _______. a) I did live b) did I live c) I lived 22) They asked me why ______ left my old job. a) had I b) I had 23) They asked me _____. a) where I worked b) where did you work c) where I did work 24) They asked who ______. a) was my boss b) my boss was 25) They asked me why _______ to change jobs. a) I wanted b) did I want c) I did want 26) They ______ me who ________ voted for in the last election. a) asked / I had b) ask / I had c) ask / have I d) asked / had I 27) They asked me what ______. a) was my favorite color b) my favorite color was 28) I asked myself ______ I wanted that job. a) whether or no b) weather or not c) whether or not 29) "Do you want to come or not?" a) He asked me whether I wanted to come or not. b) He asked me whether or not I wanted to come. c) He asked me if not I wanted to come. d) He asked me if I wanted to come or not. 30) "Did you do your homework or not?" a) My mom had asked me if I had done my homework or not. b) My mom asked me if I hadn't done my homework. c) My mom had asked me whether or not I had done my homework. d) My mom had asked me whether I had done my homework or not.

Indirect Questions



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