1) Would you please mind ... over there? a) to park b) parking c) park 2) Could you ...? a) turn the TV off b) turning the TV off c) turning off the TV 3) Can you... with my homework? a) help out me b) helping me out c) help me out 4) Would you please...? a) take out the trash b) taking the trash out c) taking out the trash 5) Would you mind... and bringing me a dozen eggs? a) stopping by the grocery store b) stop by the grocery store c) stopping in the grocery store 6) Could you...? a) doing me a favor b) do me a favor c) do a favor to me 7) Can you... a) sit please down? b) sitting down please? c) please sit down? 8) Would you... for me? a) ask him a favor b) asking him a favor c) ask a favor to him

Request with modals - Complete the Sentence


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