Nasalis - Within nose; flares nostrils, Risorius - Corner of mouth; draws the mouth up and out (grinning), Orbicularis Oculi - Circles eye socket; closes eyelid, Orbicularis Oris - Circles mouth; contracts, puckers lips (kissing or whistling), Buccinator - Between jaws and cheek; compressing the cheek to release air outwardly (blowing), Zygomaticus - Outside the corners of the mouth (major/minor); draws mouth up and back (laughing), Trapezius - Flat, triangular; covers upper and back part of neck and shoulders; aids in drawing head back and elevating shoulder blades, Sternocleidomastoid - Extends along side of neck, ear to collarbone; head moves from side to side and up and down, Platysma - Extends from tip of chin to shoulders/chest; draws lower lip and corner of the mouth sideways and down, Masseter - Covers hinge of jaw; aids in closing jaw, Temporalis - Above and in front of ear; opening and closing jaw, Frontalis - From top of forehead to top of skull; raises eyebrows, draws scalp forwards, Occipitalis - At base of skull; draws scalp back,

Beauty - Muscles



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