1)  Megaly  a) over, excessive b) cartilage c) movement; muscular activity d) inflammation e) large f) vomit 2) Itis  a) over, excessive b) cartilage c) movement; muscular activity d) inflammation e) large f) vomit 3) Hyper  a) over, excessive b) cartilage c) movement; muscular activity d) inflammation e) large f) vomit 4)  kinesia  a) over, excessive b) cartilage c) movement; muscular activity d) inflammation e) large f) vomit 5)  Emesis a) over, excessive b) cartilage c) movement; muscular activity d) inflammation e) large f) vomit 6) Chondro a) over, excessive b) cartilage c) movement; muscular activity d) inflammation e) large f) vomit 7) pnea a) urine condition b) away from c) blood d) pertaining to breathing e) muscle f) blue 8) Hema a) urine condition b) away from c) blood d) pertaining to breathing e) muscle f) blue 9) Ab a) urine condition b) away from c) blood d) pertaining to breathing e) muscle f) blue 10) Cyano a) urine condition b) away from c) blood d) pertaining to breathing e) muscle f) blue 11) Uria a) urine condition b) away from c) blood d) pertaining to breathing e) muscle f) blue 12) Myo a) urine condition b) away from c) blood d) pertaining to breathing e) muscle f) blue 13) Hepatitis a) Inflammation of the liver  b) Inflammation of the joints c) Inflammation of the heart 14) Bradycardia a) Fast heart rate b) Slow heart rate c) Fast breathing d) Slow breathing 15) hypothermia a) high body temperature b) fast body temperature c) slow body temperature d) low body temperature 16) the presence of blood in urine. a) aphagia b) hematuria c) apnea d) hyperemesis 17) inability to speak a) hyperphasia b) Aphagia c) hyperphagia d) Aphasia 18) Abnormally fast breathing a) bradypnea b) hyperpnea c) bradycardia d) hypercardia 19) chondrotomy a) cutting or dissection of the cartilage. b) cutting or dissection of the lung c) cutting or dissection of the heart d) cutting or dissection of the stomach 20) increased sensitivity to feeling pain and an extreme response to pain a) analgesia b) bradyalgesia c) hyperalgesia

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