1) She's got.... a) a temperature. b) toothache. c) a sore throat. 2) He's got..... a) stomach ache. b) a temperature. c) a cough. 3) She's got.... a) a broken leg. b) a headache. c) earache. 4) I've got.... a) a cold. b) a cut. c) a broken leg. 5) He's got... a) earache. b) a sore throat. c) a cough. 6) She's got..... a) stomach ache. b) a cough. c) earache. 7) He's got..... a) the flu. b) toothache. c) a temperature. 8) She's got.... a) a temperature. b) the flu. c) earache. 9) She..... a) coughs. b) sneezes. c) feels sick.. 10) It.... a) feels sick. b) sneezes. c) has got the flu.

Health Problems


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