1) what food is a block? a) cake b) bread c) cookie d) steak (beef) 2) which soup or stew is the rarest? a) suspicious stew b) rabit stew c) beetroot soup d) mushroom stew 3) are pumpkins edible? a) yes b) no 4) which food is poisonous? (there are more then 1 answers) a) pufferfish b) suspicious stew c) raw food d) rotten flesh 5) What are the materials to make a suspicious stew a) bowl, brown mushroom and any flower b) bowl, all types of mushrooms and any flowers 6) =? a) cake b) bread c) cookie 7) how to make this? a) b) 8) which food in minecraft fills the most hunger bars? a) suspicious stew b) steak (cooked beef) c) a slice of cake d) bread e) cookie f) beetroot

Minecraft Foods


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