True: Ram-Random access memory . This is volatile memory that is constantly being written to and read from., Central Processing Unit-the brain of the computer that processes program instructions., Heat Sink- A component used on computer motherboards to cool the CPU., Hard Disk Drive -A device used to store large amounts of data., Network Interface Card- A NIC is a computer expansion card for connecting to a network., Power supply- Is a hardware component for a computer that supplies all other components with power., Motherboard-The circuit board inside a computer that houses the CPU, memory that stores data even when not powered., False: Ram- Powers everything in the computer, Central Processing Unit- A component used on a computer motherboards to cool the CPU, Heat Sink-The circuit board inside a computer., Hard Disk Drive-The circuit board inside a computer., Network Interface Card- Powers everything in the computer, Power supply-The circuit board inside a computer., Motherboard-Powers everything in the computer,

Inside the Computer


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