1) What is your digital footprint? a) The time you spend on the computer b) It is opposite of your finger print c) The amount of electronic devices you buy in a year d) The digital trail left by everything you do online 2) How could you improve your digital footprint? a) Share your personal information with a good friend or family member so they can help you stay safe online b) Check your social media privacy settings to make sure you're only sharing with people you know and trust c) It's best not to post anything if you want to stay safe d) It's not necessary to think before you post 3) How long is your digital footprint visible for? a) it depends on the websites you spend most time on b) Your digital footprint wipes clean after a year c) The record never lasts for more than a month d) it creates a permanent record 4) A type of footprint is made when information is collected from the user without the person knowing this is happening. a) Passive b) Active c) Digital Identity d) Digital Footprint 5) Which of these should you never share online? a) your first name b) your home address c) your favorite color d) your password e) both a and c f) both b and d 6) True or False: everyone deserves to have their privacy decisions respected a) True b) False 7) What's of these strategies will NOT help to keep your digital footprint clean? a) before you post, think if it's something you would want your grandmother to see b) ask yourself before posting: would I want someone to post that about me? c) don't worry about what other people think, post whatever you want 8) Which of these is fake? a) usatoday.com b) nytimes.com c) washingtonpost.com d) washingtonpost.com.co e) bbc.com/news

Digital Footprint Review


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