Who says the Titanic is 'unsinkable, absolutely unsinkable.', State two character traits for Mr Birling. Can you give quotes to show this?, Finish the quote: Mrs Birling was 'the most prominent member ____ ____ ______________' , State two character traits for Mrs Birling., What is capitalism?, What is socialism?, Who was Sheila engaged to?, Which two characters were inspected in Act 1?, Which two characters were inspected in Act 2?, Who was inspected in Act 3?, Finish the quote: 'a hard-headed, practical man ___ __________' Who said it ?, State two character traits for Sheila. Can you give quotes to show this?, State two character traits for Gerald. Can you give quotes to show this?, State two character traits for Eric. Can you give quotes to show this?, What does this quote show about Mrs Birlings character? 'Girls of that class.', Which character best represent the socialist viewpoint?, Which character best represents the capitalist viewpoint?, What is Priestley's key message?, Who transforms the most in the play? Explain why., State two character traits for Inspector Goole. Can you give quotes to show this?.

An Inspector Calls



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