What kind of shopping do you enjoy most?, What kind of shopping do you dislike?, What day do you usually shop for groceries?, Do you ever shop at a farmer's market?, What is your favorite grocery store? Tell why., Do you spend a lot on presents for winter holidays?, When you shop for clothes, do you prefer a small shop or big department store?, Have you ever purchased food from a farm stand?, How did you feel after the last time you shopped for clothes?, What is something on your shopping list right now?, When you shop for groceries, do you make a list? Why? Or why not?, How can you tell when produce (fruit or vegetables) is fresh?, Have you ever worked in retail (sales)? If not, would you like to?, Do you sometimes cook a dish because you found something good at the grocery store?, Have you ever bought a very fancy outfit for a wedding or a party?, Do you ever shop at a specialty food store?, Do you prefer to pay with cash or credit?, Do you ever write checks to pay for things?, Do you think money can buy happiness?.



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