1) I don't know _________ I should order a hotdog or a hamburger. a) whether b) although 2) _________it is a cold morning, I'm going for a swim. a) whether b) although 3) _________ you become a teacher or a janitor, you will make the world a better place. a) whether b) although 4) I can't decide _________ to see the action movie or the comedy. a) whether b) although 5) _________ the puppy is tiny it is very loud. a) whether b) although 6) _________ most people don't like that flavor of ice cream, it's my favorite. a) whether b) although 7) _________ you're wearing a ski hat or a baseball cap, you need to take it off in school. a) whether b) although 8) _________ I've spent many hours playing this game, I'm not very good at it. a) whether b) although 9) I can't decide _________ I should go sledding or not. a) whether b) although 10) _________ you are young or old, you will like this game. a) whether b) although

conjunctions: whether, although


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