1) Instead of doing her homework first, Jane plays by herself, then she goes over to the neighbhours to play too. Jane is very __________________> a) hardworking b) playful c) helpful 2) Steve was walking behind a man on the street. Steve saw the man's wallet fall out of his pocket. Steve ran to pick up the wallet and he gave it to the man. Steve was _____________. a) honest b) caring c) helpful 3) Every Saturday, Jack and his friends go hiking, hunting, river tubbing and diving. Jack and his friends are _____________. a) adventurous b) shy c) friendly 4) Today, Grade 2 is doing General Assembly. Bob takes the microphone and greets everyone. Then he gives Ron the microphone. Ron looks at everyone and begins to tremble. Ron is__________. a) nervous b) brave c) silly

Drawing Conclusions about Characters


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