1) Turning on the oven to warm it up before baking a) preheat b) reheat c) inheat 2) in a not so lucky manner a) prelucky b) relucky c) unlucky 3) dinner that is already made a) premade b) remade c) unmade 4) to edit your paper a) previse b) revise c) unvise 5) not happy a) prehappy b) rehappy c) unhappy 6) the school 3 & 4 year olds attend a) preschool b) reschool c) unschool 7) to apply sunscreen again a) preapply b) reapply c) unapply 8) to read something twice a) preread b) reread c) unread 9) not able to do something a) preable b) reable c) unable 10) to come before something in time a) precede b) recede c) uncede

Pre/Re/Un - prefixes


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