This is exciting! Can you teach me more about baseball? - Your uncle brought you to a baseball game for fun. You don't know much about baseball. You can say, , You know a lot about weather. That's cool. - Your friend is really into the weather and always walk about it. You say, , Sure, I'll help you pick new recipes! - Your mom is really into cooking and wants you to help her pick new recipes. You say, , That's so cool that you are really into football That is exciting! - Your friend is on the football team and tells you he's excited for his next football game. You say,  , You are really good at that game. - A classmate is into Minecraft and talks about all his levels. You say, , That sounds like fun. I'm happy to hear about your lessons.  - Your sister is taking music lessons and she wants to tell you what she's learned. You say, , That's interesting. Thank you for sharing about our family. - Your aunt wants to tell you about your ancestors and family history. You say, ,

Talking About Others' Interests



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