1) passageways that carry materials from one part of a cell to another a) Vacuoles b) Nucleus c) Lysosome d) Endoplasmic Reticulum 2) breaks down waste and digests organelles or food particles that are not needed by the cell a) Mitochondria b) Cell Wall c) Endoplasmic Reticulum d) Lysosome 3) controls the activities of the cell a) Chloroplast b) Golgi Aparatus c) Cytoplasm d) Nucleus 4) produces the energy needed for a cell to carry out its functions a) Mitochondria b) Cytoplasm c) Endoplasmic Reticulum d) Ribosomes 5) controls what comes in and out of the cell a) Cytoplasm b) Cell Membrane c) Endoplasmic Reticulum d) Vacuoles 6) gel-like fluid inside the cell between the nucleus and the cell membrane a) Endoplasmic Reticulum b) Cell Membrane c) Mitochondria d) Cytoplasm 7) makes proteins to help repair damage to the cell a) Vacuoles b) Nucleus c) Ribosomes d) Cell Membrane 8) serves as the storage area of the cell a) Mitochondria b) Cell Wall c) Vacuoles d) Endoplasmic Reticulum 9) packages and distributes materials to other parts of the cell a) Cytoplasm b) Golgi Aparatus c) Cell Wall d) Chloroplast 10) contains chlorophyll and makes food from sunlight a) Chloroplast b) Cell Wall c) Mitochondria d) Endoplasmic Reticulum 11) rigid layer surrounding a plant cell that provides support, strength, and shape a) Vacuoles b) Golgi Aparatus c) Cytoplasm d) Cell Wall 12) Site where ribosomes are made a) Nucleus b) Nucleolus c) Rough ER d) Smooth ER 13) Organelle that produces spindle fibers, found in animal cells and it assists with cell division a) Centriole b) Nucleus c) Golgi Apparatus d) Mitochondria 14) Tail-like structure that moves the cell a) pili b) cilia c) flagella d) tail 15) Skeleton of the cell a) Centrioles b) Microtubules c) Spindle fiber d) Cytoskeleton 16) Large storage place in plant cells- stores water, etc a) Chloroplast b) Cell Wall c) Central Vacuole d) Mitochondria 17) Produces and transports proteins in the cell. a) Smooth ER b) Rough ER c) Ribosomes d) Nucleolus 18) It synthesizes lipids, phospholipids as in plasma membranes, and steroids. a) Smooth ER b) Rough ER c) Ribosomes d) Nucleolus 19) They are involved in maintaining the structure of the cell and, together with microfilaments, they form the cytoskeleton. a) Centrioles b) Microtubules c) Spindle Fibers d) Vesicles 20) Cellular organelles that are composed of a lipid bilayer. Like cellular envelopes that are used to transport materials from one place to another. a) Cell Membrane b) Cell Wall c) Vacuole d) Vesicle

Cell Organelles



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