1) On peut faire un tour en segway a) You can go to the theatre b) You can eat in a restaurant c) You can go on a tour by segway d) You can visit the monuments 2) On peut aller à un concert a) You can go on a tour by segway b) You can go to a concert c) You can visit the monuments d) You can visit the museums 3) On peut aller au théâtre a) You can go to the theatre b) You can go shopping c) You can go on a boat trip d) You can go to a concert 4) On peut faire les magasins a) You can go shopping b) You can visit the museums c) You can go on a tour by segway d) You can eat in a restaurant 5) On peut faire une balade en bateau-mouche a) You can eat in a restaurant b) You can visit the monuments c) You can visit the museums d) You can go on a boat trip 6) On peut manger au restaurant a) You can go on a tour by segway b) You can go to the theatre c) You can eat in a restaurant d) You can go on a boat trip 7) On peut visiter les monuments a) You can visit the monuments b) You can visit the museums c) You can eat in a restaurant d) You can go shopping 8) On peut visiter les musées a) You can go shopping b) You can go on a tour by segway c) You can visit the museums d) You can go to the theatre

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