1) Which number is greater? a) b) 2) Which number is greater? a) b) 3) Which number is the greatest? a) b) c) 4) Which number is more? a) b) 5) Which number is more? a) b) 6) Which number is more? a) b) c) 7) Which number is the greatest? a) b) c) 8) Which number is more? a) b) 9) Which number is smaller? a) b) 10) Which number is the least? a) b) c) 11) Which number is smaller? a) b) 12) Which number is smaller? a) b) 13) Which number is smaller? a) b) 14) Which number is the least? a) b) c) 15) Which number is the least? a) b) c)

Christmas Comparing Numbers 1-10


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