canis, canis, m. or f. - dog, coquus, -i,m. - cook, est - is, filia, -ae, f. - daughter, filius, -i, m. - son, hortus, -i, m. - garden, laboro, laborare - to work, mater, matris, f. - mother, pater, patris, m. - father, sedeo, sedere - to sit, servus, -i, m. - slave, via, -ae, f. - street, amicus, -i, m - friend, ancilla, -ae, f. - slave girl, cena, -ae, f. - dinner, cibus, -i, m. - food, dominus,-i,m. - master, dormio, dormire - to sleep, intrat - enters, laetus, -a, -um - happy, laudo, laudare - to praise, mercator, mercatoris, m. - merchant, quoque - also, saluto, salutare - to greet, in (+ablative) - in, ad (+accusative) - towards, bibo, bibere - to drink, circumspecto, circumspectare - to look around, clamo, clamare - to shout, ecce! - look, et - and, exeo, exire - to go out, exspecto, exspectare - to wait for, ianua, -ae, f. - door, iratus, -a, -um - angry, leo, leonis, m. or f. - lion, magnus, -a, -um - large, navis, navis, f. - ship, non - not, porto, portare - to carry, respondeo, respondere - to reply, rideo, ridere - to laugh, smile, salve! - hello, surgo, surgere - to get up, stand up, taberna, -ae, f. - store, shop, inn, video, videre - to see, vinum, -i, n. - wine, ago, agere - to do, drive, anulus, -i, m. - ring, coquo, coquere - to cook, cur - why, e (+ablative) - from, out of, ego - I, eheu! - alas, habeo, habere - to have, hold, inquit - says, iudex, iudicis, m. - judge, mendax, mendacis, m. - liar, pecunia, -ae, f. - money, perterritus, -a, -um - terrified, poeta,-ae, m. - poet, quareo, quarere - to look for, search for, quis - who, reddo, reddere - to give back, satis - enough, sed - but, signum, -i, n. - sign, seal, tu - you, voco, vocare - to call, adest - is here, agricola, -ae, m. - farmer, ambulo, ambulare - to walk, audio, audire - to hear, clamor, clamoris - shout, uproar, contendo, contendere - to hurry, curro, currere - to run, fabula, -ae, f. - story, femina,-ae, f. - woman, hodie - today, iuvenis, -is, m. - young man, meus, -a, -um - mine, multus, -a, -um - many, much, optimus, -a, -um - excellent, best, very good, peto, petere - to head for, attack, plaudo, plaudere - to applaud, clap, puella, -ae, f. - girl, senex, senis, m. - old man, specto, spectare - to look at, sto, stare - to stand, turba, -ae, f. - crowd, ubi - where, urbs, urbis, f. - city, venio, venire - to come,
Stages 1-6 Vocabulary Checklist
7th Grade
8th Grade
9th Grade
10th Grade
11th Grade
12th Grade
Редактиране на съдържание
За вграждане
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да я направи публична.
Тази класация е забранено от собственика на ресурса.
Тази класация е забранено, като опциите са различни за собственика на ресурса.
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е отворен шаблон. Тя не генерира резултати за табло.
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