1) Go __________ on. a) left b) right c) straight d) on 2) ________ left. a) turn b) go c) past d) walk 3) turn __________.  a) left b) straight c) right d) past 4) Go _________ the supermarket.  a) on b) past c) straight d) right 5) It's ______ the left. a) past b) straight c) turn d) on 6) It's on the __________. a) turn b) right c) left d) past 7) _________ is the supermarket? a) What b) When c) Where d) Why 8) Where is this? a) next to b) accross from c) between 9) Where is this? a) next to b) across from c) between 10) Where is this? a) next to b) across from c) between



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