Synonymy - two signifiers stand for the same signified (ex. attractive/pretty)., Homonymy - two identical words with different senses (ex. left – past tense of to leave; side of the human body)., Polysemy - one word with two or more related senses (ex. screen – fire screen; TV screen; computer screen)., Antonymy - opposite meaning relationships (types of antonymy: binary, gradable, converses, directional opposites) (ex. ancient-modern), Converses - the same relationship but from an opposite point of view. (ex. buy/sell), Hyponymy - an X is a Y (ex. daisy | a flower; if X is a daisy, it is also a flower), Meronymy - an X is a part of a Y (ex. “sleeve” is a meronym of “coat”),

HUM 125HM HY: Module 1.1: Content 1 - Semantics - Introduction (Semantic Links)


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