Verse - the part of the song that changes. Many songs have two or three of these. , Chorus - the name of the vocal group at Stricker. Also, the part of the song that repeats. , Refrain - another word for the chorus of the song - the part of the song that repeats., Lyrics - the words of a song. , Ballad - a slower song, usually tells a story. Often sad or dramatic., Folk Songs - songs written by and for regular people ("regular folks")., Funny Songs - these tunes make you laugh. The Irish have many of these!, Sad Songs - Danny Boy is a fine example of this category. Good for funerals. , Gaelic - the language of the most traditional Irish music. Many old songs were written in this language, later translated to English. , Rhythmic - having a good rhythm or pattern of beats. Many Irish folk songs have this quality. ,

Irish Folk Songs


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