1) Do you remember the answer to this joke? "Why did the pillow go to the doctor?" a) He was all stuffed up! b) He was flat. 2) What skill do you need as a doctor? a) Video editing b) Follow a procedure c) Great basketball skills 3) Who works in a hospital? a) Nurse b) Car mechanic c) Fisherman 4) What jobs do healthcare works do? a) Give medicine, examine muscles, take x-rays, perform surgeries. b) Nap c) Prepare food. 5) Why would someone go to the hospital? a) To get a good night's sleep. b) To visit someone in the hospital, feeling ill, or hurt themselves. c) Their bored. 6) What Patient Data was collected? a) Favorite color b) c) Blood Pressure 7) Define Career a) Career: A person works sometimes b) Career: The work a person chooses to do through life 8) Define Healthcare a) Healthcare: The prevention or treatment of illnesses by doctors, dentists, psychologists etc. b) Healthcare: To serve food to customers. 9) Define Skill a) Skill: something you are bad at b) Skill: is loneliness c) Skill: talent or ability that comes from training or practice 10) Define procedure a) Procedure: A series of steps that must be taken in order to do something b) Procedure: Doing what I want.



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