1) The prefix, "pre" means before. Which one of the following words means, "to see before"? a) Pretend b) Preview c) Pretty d) Prepare 2) The prefix, "re" means again. Which of the following words means, "to use again"? a) Repeat b) Reheat c) Recalculate d) Recycle 3) The prefix, "anti" means against. Which of the following words means, "used against a poison"? a) Antidote b) Antifreeze c) Antisocial d) Antonym 4) The prefix, "dis" means not or opposite of. Which of the following words means, "to not follow directions"? a) Disorganize b) Disappear c) Disobey  d) Dislocate 5) The prefix, "trans" means across. Which of the following words means, "to carry or move across"? a) Transport b) Translucent c) Transparent  d) Translate 6) The suffix, "able" or "ible" means capable of being. Which of the following words means, "capable of being eaten"? a) Credible b) Flexible c) Terrible d) Edible 7) The suffix, "dom" means place or state of being. Which of the following words means, "place ruled by a king or queen"? a) Boredom b) Freedom c) Stardom d) Kingdom 8) The suffix, "ish" means having the quality of. Which of the following words means, "acts silly or unwise"? a) Skittish b) Foolish c) Selfish d) Lavish 9) The suffix, "less" means without. Which of the following words means, "without words"? a) Worthless b) Lawless c) Boundless d) Speechless 10) The suffix, "ship" means position held. Which of the following words means, "in the position of friendship"? a) Companionship b) Championship c) Membership d) Citizenship

Prefixes and Suffixes


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