1) How many people are on social media? a) 3.5 billion b) 4.48 billion c) 7.5 billion d) 10 billion 2) What is the most popular social media platform? a) Tik Tok b) Facebook c) Twitter d) YouTube e) WhatsApp f) Instagram 3) How long does the average person spend on social media per day? a) 1 hour b) 1hrs 30 c) 1hrs 45 d) 2hrs e) 2hrs 30 f) 2hrs 45 4) What is the fastest growing social media platform? a) Instagram b) Snap Chat c) Tik Tok d) YouTube e) Twitter f) WhatsApp 5) How many followers does the average Instagram user have? a) 150 b) 500 c) 1000 d) 1500 e) 2000 f) 300 6) How many followers does the average Instagram user have? a) 120 b) 140 c) 240 d) 280 e) 300 7) Which of the following is not a social media application? a) All of these b) Flicker c) My Space d) Linked in e) None of these 8) What social networking site has a feature called "Answers" that allows users to ask other members for professional advice? a) Wikipedia b) ChaCha c) Yahoo d) Linked In 9) What is the most popular day for tweets? a) Wednesday b) Friday c) Saturday d) Sunday e) Monday f) Tuesday 10) What was Twitter's original name? a) Tweeter b) Tweet c) Twttr d) Twit e) Twtr

Social Media Quiz


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