fatal - causing or able to cause death, literal - the exact or primary meaning of a word, total - entire or full amount, criminal - of or having to do with crime, classical - having to do with traditional European music, several - more than two but less than many, historical - of or having to do with history, brutal - cruel or savage, rural - having to do with country life, rival - at a competing level, legal - of or having to do with the law, political - having to do with politics or government, capital - having to do with the location of a state or national government, frugal - likely to save money; careful with spending, verbal - using the spoken rather than written word, comical - funny; amusing, biblical - of or in the Bible, personal - relating to or belonging to a specific person, normal - close to what is usual, average, or standard, local - having to do with a particular place in a neighborhood, city, or town,

Suffix -al Words and Meanings


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