Stating facts: It is certainly true that.., It is certainly the case that…, Undoubtedly...; Undeniably…; Unquestionably…, Without a doubt..., Clearly…, Introducing Supporting Facts: Recent research has shown..., There is evidence to suggest..., The latest figures suggest that..., Suggesting Causes: This could be a result of…, This may be attributable to, This could be because…, This could/may/might be due to..., Making Additional Points: It is also the case that..., More importantly..., More significantly…, It is also true that…, Suggesting Something is not True: It is not necessarily the case that…, Not everyone agrees that…, It seems unlikely that…, It is not very likely that…, Writing about the Present: Currently…, Nowadays…, In recent years…, These days…,

Useful Phrases for Essay- Advanced


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