1) The city was destroyed by the tornado. What does destroyed mean? a) fixed b) ruined c) built d) created 2) We had the opportunity to rebuild. What does opportunity mean? a) rebuild b) destroyed c) recycle d) chance to improve 3) We reclaimed the cabinets from the trash. What does reclaim mean? a) reused b) rebuilt c) redid d) recreated 4) A green city is built with great sustainability. What does sustainability mean? a) a way destroying resources b) a way of throwing away resources c) a way of using resources wisely d) a way to ruin things 5) They constructed new homes. What does constructed mean? a) broke b) built c) tore d) crashed 6) Which source of energy is NOT renewable? a) Wind b) Water c) Solar d) Fossil fuel 7) What does the prefix eco relate to? a) disasterous b) damage c) The environment d) economics 8) Pedestrians are a) passengers on a bus. b) people using the pavement. c) people on bikes. d) drivers. 9) Which option is an example of climate change? a) More rain in the summer. b) Better weather in the summer. c) Temperatures rising world-wide. 10) What is a 'green' city? a) A city with lots of green buildings. b) A city that promotes energy efficiency and renewable energy in all its activities. c) A city that does not allow people to drive in the centre. d) A city with lots of trees.

Green City


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