1) Which U.S. president was the first to appear on television? a) Nixon b) Lincoln c) F. D. Roosevelt d) Reagan 2) Which famous monument did Shah Jahān build to immortalize his wife? a) Angkor Wat b) Taj Mahal c) Jāmeh Mosque of Isfahān d) Golestan Palace 3) The term “D-Day” refers to the Allied invasion of Japan during World War II. a) true b) false 4) During World War II, the Germans had a great victory at Stalingrad. a) true b) false 5) Which treaty ended the War of 1812? a) Treaty of Brest-Litovsk b) Maastricht Treaty c) Treaty of Versailles d) Treaty of Ghent 6) The holy city to Judaism, Christianity and Islam a) Jerusalem b) Alexandria c) Babylon d) Agra 7) What does the word Barbarian mean? a) people from the north b) uncivilised c) unreligious d) foreigner 8) Neandertal Valley is in a) Holland b) Germany c) France d) Portugal 9) The only South East Asian country never taken over by a European power a) India b) Vietnam c) North Borneo d) Thailand

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