1) What is the pronoun? a) you b) and c) but d) or 2) What is the pronoun? a) nor b) has c) your d) but 3) What is the pronoun? a) for b) he c) nor d) or 4) What is the pronoun? a) yet b) if c) as d) him 5) What is the pronoun? a) let b) she c) who d) what 6) What is the pronoun? a) at b) it c) her d) met 7) What is the pronoun? a) they b) get c) got d) yet 8) What is the pronoun? a) but b) nor c) also d) their 9) What is the pronoun? a) are b) we c) it d) was 10) What is the pronoun? a) has b) as c) our d) had

Personal Pronouns Maze Chase


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