black market - illegal traffic in officially controlled commodities such as foreign currency, exchange rate - the rate at which one currency can be exchanged for another, hard currency - currency that will probably not fall in value and is readily accepted, inflation - a general increase in prices as a country's currency loses value, interest - money that a lender or bank depositor is paid for the use of their money, often at an agreed monthly or yearly rate, soft currency - currency that will probably fall in value and is not readily accepted, transaction - a (usually commercial) exchange; any deal involving a buyer and a seller, to blow (v) money - to spend money on useless things, mortgage - a way in which you can buy a house by using money borrowed from a financial institution., Receipt - a piece of paper that will provide you with proof of payment if there is something wrong with the goods, bank statement - a printed record of the money put into and removed from a bank account, checking account - a bank account that you can take money from at any time and which usually earns little or no interest, payee - a person who money is paid to or should be paid to, deposit account - a bank account in which you usually leave money for a long time and which pays you interest, bounce - when a check cannot be paid or accepted by a bank because of a lack of money in the account,


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