1) Mary has got a present. This is ... present. a) your b) my c) his d) her 2) Tim has got a new bike. This is ... bike. a) your b) my c) his d) her 3) Max has got orange juice. This is ... juice. a) your b) my c) his d) her 4) - You are 11 today. It's ... birthday party! a) your b) my c) his d) her 5) I have got new planes. They are .... planes. a) your b) my c) his d) her 6) My brother has got a phone. This is ... phone. a) your b) my c) his d) her 7) You have a green sweater. This is ... sweater. a) your b) my c) his d) her 8) I have got a dog. This is ... dog. a) your b) my c) his d) her

Go getter 1. Unit 1. Possessives. My your his her


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