1) Who were the first people to show the first movies? a) Lumiere Brothers b) Charlie Chaplin c) Cashier Brothers d) Nicer Brothers  e) Racer Brothers f) Who are all these people? 2) What kind of things were shown in the first movies?  a) Frozen people, long comedies b) What are you talking about? c) Moving people, transport, newsreels, processions and wars, long comedies.  d) Superheroes 🦸‍♂️ e) Robbers f) True crime 3) In what film did the actors sing and speak? a) Every movie b) Avengers c) I don't know d) Minions e) Jazz Singer f) Jazz Dancer 4) What was the new era of the films called? a) I don't know, I wasn't there b) The era of the dead c) The era of the new generation d) The era of new years! e) Christmas f) The era of the talkies 5) Where were films shown at first? a) Cinemas, of course b) Music halls, clubs, and shops c) TV's d) Theatres e) I wasn't born yet f) Digital Devices

History of Cinema


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