Block Scheduling - grouping similar patients conditions at specific times. ame time each hour, double booking - two mor more patients are scheduled with the same time slot. Pt. scheduled two patients 1/2 and 1 patient next 1/2 hour. repeated through out day., wave scheduling - schedule two or three patients during a designated hourly time period (last 30 minutes of the hours, seen in order of arrival. same physician, modified wave scheduling - similar to wave, patients are scheduled in a 15 minute time period. , Open booking (tidal wave) - patients not scheduled for specific time, told to come in intermittent. Seen in order they arrive. , Time specified scheduling - also known as streaming. Set appointment times. c needs together, same time of day., matrix - Grid with timeslots blocked out when physicans are unavailable or office is closed, template - document with a preset format used as a starting point so that it does nto have to be recreated each time. , screening system - procedures to prioritize the urgency of a call to determine when patient should be seen., No show - patient does not show up for an appointment,

Types of Booking -Scheduling


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