WAN (Wide Area Network) - A network of computers that are spread across a wide geographic areaw , LAN (Local Area Network) - A group of computers and associated devices that share the resources of a single processor or server within a small geographic area, Wired network - A network in which computers use wireless connections to link with other people, Ethernet - A set of networking technologies and media access methods specified for LANs, Wireless network - Each computer has a wireless adapter device attached, which converts digital data into radio waves and also recieves radio waves and converts them into digital data, Cellular network - Otherwise known as a mobile network, is a radio network. Has the longest delay, Mobility - The ability to transport a device from one physical location to another without interrupting the connectionc, Avalibility - A connection that stays up and operational as long as possible without interruption, as well as the ability for that connection to recover quickly should it go down, Bandwidth - Is the maximum amount of data that is possible to transmit over a medium in a given time., Throughput - Is the actual amount of data that is transmitted over a medium in a given time, Reliability - A connection that transmits data without causing connection delays or corrupting the data, Concurrent connections - How many users or devices can be connected to the same network at one time, Security - How safe a network is from an attack,

Networking Intro


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