1) Who is pregnant? a) Eric b) Gerald c) Mr Birling d) Edna 2) Why is Sheila engaged? a) She's a gold-digger b) Edna wanted Gerald for herself c) She couldn't have Eric d) She pooed her pants 3) What is the main theme? a) The police b) Gerald's gambling addiction c) Technology in 2002 4) Finish the quote - She was ________ a) Fat and ugly b) A bit heavy c) Rotund and gorgeous d) a real stinker 5) What happens at the end? a) Mr Birling has had enough and commits manslaughter b) Sheila has had enough and commits arson c) Gerald becomes a demigod after meeting the god of thunder d) Mrs Birling opens a bakery e) Eric fights his debts through go kart racing f) The Inspector gets adopted

Inspector Calls Quiz!


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