1) What is the Inspector's last utterance of Act One? a) Goodbye b) Well? c) So long d) And now 2) What does Gerald suggest Sheila do at teh beginning of Act2? a) To be excused from the questioning b) To stay and listen c) To have a drink d) To speak to her mother 3) Who does the Inspector describe as ' a pretty, lively sort of girl, who never did anybody any harm'? a) Sheila Birling b) Edna c) Mrs Birling d) Eva Smith 4) Who does Mrs Birling refer to as 'impertinent'? a) Eva Smith b) Eric c) The Inspector d) Gerald Croft 5) What name does Gerald Croft know Eva Smith as? a) Daisy Renton b) Papatya Smith c) Bluebell Woods d) Daisy Chain 6) What was the name of the man who harrassed girls in the Stalls Bar at the Palace Variety Theatre? a) Alderman Meggarty b) Mayor Jones c) Vice Chancellor Vickers d) Mr Bryant 7) Where does Gerald Croft take Eva Smith for a drink? a) The Town Hotel b) The County Hotel c) The Green Man d) The White Hart 8) What does Gerald Croft insist on Eva Smith doing? a) Moving into his friend's apartment b) Making cakes c) Leaving town , never to return d) Meeting his family 9) How does the Inspector know about Eva Smith's feelings? a) She told him b) She sent him an email c) She kept a diary d) She wrote a letter 10) 'You and I aren't the same people who sat down to dinner here.' Who is Sheila talking about? a) Sheila and Gerald b) Sheila and Mr Birling c) Sheila and Eric d) Sheila and Mrs Birling

An Inspector Calls Act 2

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