1) Which of the following qualities make a good leader? a) Strategic & Critical Thinking b) Self-Awareness c) Patience d) Integrity e) Self-Discipline f) Vision 2) How does leadership impact a democratic society? a) Keeps it well running b) Uses other people to gain an advantage c) Makes smart choices d) Doesnt like one side because of what they look like/who they are e) Has neutral / positive opinions f) Avoiding conflict 3) Civil Rights Legend of the 1950´s, famous for the "I Have A Dream Speech". a) Rosa Parks b) Harriet Tubman c) Bayard Rustin d) Martin Luther King Jr e) Shirley Chisholm f) Bessie Coleman 4) Who Would be a small scale leader? a) Law Enforcment b) Joe biden c) Parents d) Coaches e) Rosa parks f) Teachers 5) Who would be a large scale leader a) Presidents b) People In our government c) Martin Luther King Jr d) Parents e) Abraham Lincoln f) Classmates 6) What made Abraham Lincion a great leader a) He started conflicts with other people b) He became a president c) Had leadership qualities such as trustworthy, self-going, and honest d) He was george washington's best friend e) He ended slavery f) Modernized the U.S Economy



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