1) What does R stand for? a) Read all the text twice b) Restate the question removing the question words. c) review the question d) restart the answer 2) What does A stand for a) provide your answer to the question  b) Ask for help c) always ask why questions d) analyze the theme 3) What does C stand for in the strategy? a) character and setting b) cite the text evidence c) compound sentences d) capitalize 4) What does e stand for? a) evidence from the paired selection b) explain the exposition c) explain your answer and evidence you provided d) entertain the reader 5) What does "cite" mean?  a) State the idea you had about the text (if you are responding to a specific question, be sure your idea restates the question). Now give supporting evi To paraphrase or use quotes/parts " " from the text. If you use direct quotes from a text, you must use quotation marks. b) to mark it as incorrect c) give proof from your own experiences d) use quotes from other texts you have read in class years before


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