1) Wait in line outside the door for class. a) rule b) law 2) You need to wear a seat belt in the car. a) rule b) law 3) Stop at the red light. a) rule b) law 4) Put your own things away. a) rule b) law 5) You need to pay for things in a store. a) rule b) law 6) Do not litter - throw garbage on the ground. a) rule b) law 7) Get your folder out when you come to class. a) rule b) law 8) Be nice to people. a) rule b) law 9) You must be 18 to vote. a) rule b) law 10) Ask before you leave the room. a) rule b) law 11) Walk on the right side of the hallway. a) rule b) law 12) You must have a license to drive a car. a) rule b) law 13) ADA - Americans with Disabilities Act a) rule b) law 14) Minimum wage (pay) in Iowa is $7.25 an hour. a) rule b) law 15) You must go to school until you are 18 years old. a) rule b) law

Rule or Law?



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