Shampoo - Acts as a "wetting" agent, Brilliance - for coloured hair, stretches - Hair ............. when wet take care when detangling to avoid damage, Wet Work - Your hands frequently in contact with water, Product allergies - can prevent the treatment from being carried out and the products being used, Cortex - Contains natural colour pigments and is where any changes take place, Comb - Always use a wide-tooth..., Contact Dermatitis - Inflammation of the skin caused by a product, Medulla - Middle layer of the hair, Age - for mature hair, Product build-up - shampoo process is repeated, Cooler rinse - Helps to close the hair cuticle, Detangling hair correctly - Comb ends first, then mid-lengths and finally roots, Cuticle - Outer layer of the hair, Balance - for scalp conditions such as dandruff, Brush - This should be used on dry hair before shampooing, Conditioner - Closes and smooths the cuticle, Removes grease & dirt - Shampoo binds to the debris in the hair and is rinsed out with water, Client comfort - Making sure the water isn't too hot or too cold, Enrich - for dry hair,

Level 1 - Shampooing & Conditioning


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