1) Fred lives in a small village where all 50 people get 1 vote and help make decisions everyday. It is sometimes tedious to vote all the time, but he likes having influence in the decision making a) Theocracy b) Representative Democracy c) Oligarchy d) Direct Democracy 2) Sally just moved to a country where a small group of women are in charge of the entire country and get to decide whatever they want. Sally feels comfortable here since it's women-led instead of some evil dictator a) Theocracy b) Absolute Monarchy c) Oligarchy d) Dictatorship 3) Marcus lives in Pastaland where all citizens worship the Flying Spaghetti Monster. All decisions and laws made by the officials in accordance with the The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster a) Dictatorship b) Constitutional Monarchy c) Direct Democracy d) Theocracy 4) Mr. Brown participates in his local government by electing a town mayor who can make good laws for him while he is off teaching at the best school in PG County a) Representative Democracy b) Theocracy c) Absolute Monarchy d) Anarchy 5) Queen Jennifer rules over her people with an iron fist. She is allowed to pass any kind of law she wants and if someone disagrees with her decision, they she throws them in jail for the rest of their life. a) Constitutional Monarchy b) Anarchy c) Representative Democracy d) Absolute Monarchy 6) Queen Elizabeth II of England recently passed away, allowing her son Prince Charles to become the new King of England. However he cannot simply pass any law that he wants, he must follow the English Bill of Rights a) Oligarchy b) Constitutional Monarchy c) Theocracy d) Dictatorship 7) Over the weekend, you ask your parents if you can go to the mall and hang out with your friends. They tell you no, you must stay inside all day cleaning the house and other various chores. You might consider your house to be this form: a) Dictatorship b) Anarchy c) Representative Democracy d) Absolute Monarchy 8) Mr. Brown didn't come to class one day and the substitute who was supposed to come in, also didn't arrive. Instead of putting another adult in the class, the students were left alone to do assorted activities without anyone to yell at them for their bad behavior a) Dictatorship b) Anarchy c) Theocracy d) Oligarchy

Forms of Government Scenarios


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