1) What is the setting? a) When and where the story takes place b) Who the story is about c) The conflict that starts the story d) The main events e) The big event that changes the main character f) How the story ends 2) What is the climax? a) When and where the story takes place b) Who the story is about c) The conflict that starts the story d) The main events (beginning, middle, end) e) The big event that changes the main character f) How the story ends 3) Who are the characters? a) When and where the story takes place b) Who the story is about c) The conflict that starts the story d) The main events (beginning, middle, end) e) The big event that changes the main character f) How the story ends 4) What is the resolution? a) When and where the story takes place b) Who the story is about c) The conflict that starts the story d) The main events (beginning, middle, end) e) The big event that changes the main character f) How the story ends 5) What is the problem? a) When and where the story takes place b) Who the story is about c) The conflict that starts the story d) The main events (beginning, middle, end) e) The big event that changes the main character f) How the story ends 6) What is the plot? a) When and where the story takes place b) Who the story is about c) The conflict that starts the story d) The main events (beginning, middle, end) e) The big event that changes the main character f) How the story ends 7) Which of the following is a setting ? a) The year 2018 b) School c) A dog barks at someone d) A dog 8) Which of the following is a character ? a) The year 2018 b) School c) A dog barks at someone d) A dog 9) What does the reader learn in the hook? a) The big problem that changes the character b) Characters c) Setting d) The problem that starts the story e) How the story ends

Story Arc Vocabulary


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