1) number 30 a) thirty b) bring c) graph d) rush 2) how wide a) whine b) graph c) width d) sketched 3) to the north a) northern b) theater c) bring d) pitcher 4) number 5 a) fifth b) touch c) northern d) ketchup 5) to make a decision a) graph b) chance c) whine d) choose 6) feeling something with your fingers a) touch b) chef c) expression d) graph 7) person who cooks a) chef b) whine c) rush d) sketched 8) an opportunity a) width b) fifth c) ketchup d) chance 9) the player who throws the ball a) graph b) pitcher c) chance d) stretching 10) to draw quickly a) sketched b) chance c) kitchen d) width 11) tomato based condiment a) chef b) whine c) thirty d) ketchup 12) grab quickly a) chef b) theater c) photo d) snatch 13) to extend out a) expression b) bring c) stretching d) northern 14) do it quickly a) chef b) whirl c) rush d) kitchen 15) to complain a) whine b) northern c) snatch d) choose 16) spin around a) whirl b) chance c) snatch d) stretching 17) to carry a) width b) touch c) bring d) whirl 18) a chart with data a) thirty b) fifth c) graph d) chef 19) a picture taken with a camera a) touch b) sketched c) photo d) rush 20) place to cook food a) chef b) chance c) kitchen d) expression 21) to show your emotions a) whine b) chef c) expression d) chance 22) a place to watch movies and plays a) theater b) snatch c) whirl d) graph

Spelling Maze #7


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