1) What group of people started the slave trade? a) European Merchants b) The Royal Family c) Whale hunters d) Chinese spice makers e) The European Union 2) What year did the slave trade start? a) 1492 b) 1602 c) 1619 d) 2022 e) 1704 f) 1012 3) How did the African people become slaves? a) They volunteered b) They walked to America c) They signed a paper d) They were Kidnapped and bought e) They were already there 4) Where were the African slaves sold too? a) The Philippines b) The Americas c) Rwanda d) Australia e) Japan f) Jordan 5) How were the slaves transported? a) Cars b) Buses c) Trains d) Planes e) Bikes f) Ships 6) Where were the first slaves brought to? a) Jamestown b) Tokyo c) New York d) Cincinnati e) Sydney f) Columbus 7) When did the first enslaved people arrive in Jamestown? a) 2022 b) 512 c) 3018 d) 1619 e) 1609 f) 1718 8) What is a European? a) Someone from Australia b) Someone from Mexico c) Someone from America d) Someone from Europe e) Someone from Iran f) Someone from Japan 9) What is a merchant? a) Someone who cuts your hair b) A type of dog c) Someone who buys and sells things d) A country e) A type of cat f) A person who fishes 10) How many of the 13 colonies did slaves “work” in? a) 12 b) 13 c) 5 d) 10 e) 0 f) 8 11) Where did most slaves “work”? a) Southern Plantations b) New England Whale ships c) Middle Colony factories d) Schools 12) Enslaved people had rights? a) True b) False 13) Could enslaved people get married? a) Yes b) No 14) Slaves were whipped as punishment? a) True b) False 15) Children were NOT allowed to be sold in slavery? a) True b) False 16) Slavery is illegal now, there are no more problems because of it. a) True b) False



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