1. London is a truly cosmopolitan city. - N. It's a melting pot for people from all parts of the world., 2. A modern metropolis needs a good integrated transport system. - L. Most people use buses and the underground to get to the banks and offices where they work., 3. London suffers a lot from traffic congestion. - G. It is especially bad during the rush hour, when thousands of commuters try to enter or leave the city., 4. Poverty in the inner-city areas can breed crime. - A. Drug abuse is also a big problem., 5. Cities around the world have seen a huge population explosion. - I. Nowadays there are more city dwellers than ever before., 6. Birmingham has plenty of amenities. - B. Shops, libraries, hospitals and entertainment complexes are just a few of them., 7. A lot of people visit Paris for its cultural events. - C. Chief among these are concerts and exhibitions., 8. Cities in poorer countries often lack basic infrastructures. - F. Without them, they are unable to function properly as cities., 9. The pressures of modem city life can be difficult to deal with. - H. Stress-related illnesses are very common in cities like New York., 10. The cost of living in some places can be very high. - E. Prices in London are particularly exorbitant., 11. A lot of people appreciate the anonymity of living in a large city. - K. They like to feel that they can do something without everybody knowing about it., 12. I love the urban lifestyle I lead. - D. In particular, I enjoy the atmosphere that is unique to the city., 13. In Singapore, private cars are banned from the Central Business District at peak periods. - M. Unfortunately, this is something that most large capital cities lack., 14. Urban sprawl is prevalent in most cities. - J. Everywhere you go there are building sites, pedestrian precincts, blocks of flats and housing estates spreading into the countryside.,



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