1) Control center of the cell, controls cell activities, contains most of the DNA a) Golgi Apparatus b) Mitochondria c) Cytoplasm d) Nucleus 2) Gel-like fluid, holds organelles in place a) Endoplasmic Reticulum b) cell wall c) Nucleus d) Cytoplasm 3) The "powerhouse" of the cell. breaks down sugar into energy known as ATP, site of cellular respiration a) chloroplast b) Cell membrane c) Vacuole d) Mitochondria 4) The transportation system of the eukaryotic cell. Covered in ribosomes and transports PROTEINS  a) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum b) Vacuole c) Nucleus d) Lysosomes 5) Found on the Rough ER, produce proteins, needed by cell, like little factories a) Vacuole b) Ribosomes c) Nucleus d) Golgi Apparatus 6) stores food, water and other materials a) Nucleus b) Ribosomes c) Endoplasmic Reticulum d) Vacuole 7) filled with enzymes that breakdown material in the cell a) Golgi Apparatus b) Mitochondria c) Lysosomes d) Ribosomes 8) Packaging and distribution of proteins a) Endoplasmic Reticulum b) cell wall c) Golgi Apparatus d) Nucleus 9) decides what comes in and out of cell, helps maintain homeostasis a) Vacuole b) Cell membrane c) cell wall d) chloroplast 10) captures sunlight to make food through photosynthesis a) Chloroplast b) Cell wall c) Endoplasmic Reticulum d) Nucleus 11) protects and supports the cell, found only in plant and bacteria cells a) Golgi Apparatus b) Cell membrane c) Vacuole d) cell wall 12) found only in animal cells, help organize cell division a) Golgi Apparatus b) Centrioles c) Nucleus d) Cell wall 13) Carries materials throughout the cell, site of lipid synthesis a) Smooth Endoplasmic reticulum b) Centrioles c) Mitochondria d) Lysosome

Cell Organelles Functions


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