1) X: Karen was disappointed by our team’s performance. Y: a) Oh, I was.  b) So was I. c) I wasn’t either. 2) X: I couldn’t get to the stadium in time for the kick-off. Y: ______  a) So could I.  b) Neither was I. c) Nor could I. 3) X: I think every child should play a sport.  Y: ______ a) Really? I don’t.  b) Neither do I. c) Oh. I do 4) X: I haven’t played basketball in ages.  Y: ______ a) So have we.  b) Neither do we. c) We haven’t either. 5) X: Justin is trying to get tickets for the big match. Y: ______ a) So is Tom.  b) Tom has too. c) Tom isn’t either. 6) X: Jocelyn won’t take part in any karate competitions next month. Y: ______ a) I don’t either. b) So will I. c) Oh, I will. 7) X: My sister didn’t do well in the tennis tournament. Y: ______ a) Nor am I.  b) So does mine. c) Neither did mine. 8) X: You run so quickly! Y: ______ a) So are you.  b) So do you. c) Neither do you. 9) X: I can’t think of the name of that famous golfer. Y: ______ a) I can’t either.  b) I don’t either. c) Neither do I. 10) X: I find ice hockey really difficult to understand. Y: Really? ______ a) Nor do I. b) So am I. c) I don’t.

Focus 3 Unit 2 2.6 Use of English So, Too, Neither, not Either


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